alex lambie

I am an islander and enki is my story.

Jumping from trees, breathing with the sea, my senses are lit by emergence. I dwell in the liminal, listening to whispers from beyond the clamour of anthroference, the distorted echo of human urgency.

In these whispers are stories that re-ignite the campfires of the soul and thaw our numbed senses to tell their own stories in the firelight, of being present, of deep gratitude, of trust, abundance and compassion.

I believe that when we respond to the world from this space, listening from a deeper place to a wisdom borne in life itself, we are better able to imagine and create from beyond the droning human narratives of fear, greed and aggression. We remember how to be symbiotic elements of the wonderous collective that is Earth, regenerative in both our pauses and our actions, life creating conditions conducive to life.

As an artist I create multi-sensory immersive experiences, living installations that seek to (re)awaken and to celebrate humanity’s capacity to connect with these stories. To linger in the space between leaping and landing, in the unfamiliar comfort of uncertainty and the deep understanding of not-knowing, open for the magic of emergence, where being is the compost of doing.

Alex Lambie - Author and custodian of the fable enki, Fellow at Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking, UNESCO Futures Literacy Fellow of Storytelling, RSA Fellow and co-founder of Emergence Academy